Tiger Shark 4500 PSI Carbon Fiber Tank - 71 Cu Ft (410 Cu In) of Air!
Everything needed to fill a Marauder, no extras required. Just order the Marauder / Tiger Package #1
American made 71 Cu Ft Tank, completely fills a 215cc Marauder from 2000-3000 PSI 47 times. Why
TJ3 SLO-FLO AIRGUN Valve Slowly and Safely fills a Maraude. Air doesn't WOOOSH in quickly like a SCUBA or SCBA tank!!!
American made 2.5 " STAINLESS STEEL Glycerin-Filled Gauge, with BAR & PSI Scales (the largest on any tank made)
each end (never had one kink out of thousands sold), highest PSI
working pressure on the market rated over 9,100 PSI working pressure, ~
30,000 PSI Burst (NOBODY has higher ratings than us!).
American made Stainless Steel Foster Brand Female Quick Disconnect STANDARD (not a hidden option)
$1099* Marauder / Tiger Shark Package #1 =Everthing listed above. Includes Marauder Rifle, and Tiger Shark as described above.
*.177 and .22 Cal. in right hand configuarion .25 Cal is $30 extra . Add $29 for Factory Authorized left hand conversion Shipping not included.
$1275* Marauder / Tiger Shark Deluxe Package #2
= Same as Package #1 PLUS Options 1, 2A and 3 and below. This is how everyone always orders it, so we put it in one neat bundle package so there is no guessing
*PRice for .177 and .22 Cal. in right hand configuarion. To purchase .25 Cal is $30 extra. Add $29 for Factory Authorized left hand conversion. Shipping not included.
Option #1 Second Gauge that constantly shows pressure inside the Tiger Shark. (patent pending) All of my tanks come with the Highest Quality U.S. Made STAINLESS STEEL Glycerin-Filled Large 2.5" Gauge with BAR & PSI Scales that show the pressure in the hose that is filling your airgun. This second built-in gauge will allow you to know the pressure remaining in your Guppy or your Great White (so no need to buy a Dead Head that can get lost). This is on special for $39 when purchased with airtank and I highly recommend it. (See pictures at left This option CAN NOT be added to other brands of airtanks. I have replacement DIN300 TJ3 valves (just like on my tanks) for SCBA tanks or other types of tanks.
Option #2A FQD x FQD Hose with Wrench-tight DIN300 x MQD. (shown
here on the Guppy). This option includes STAINLESS STEEL Female
Quick Disconnects at both ends of the hose, with a STAINLESS STEEL Male
Quick Disconnect on the DIN300. If you are filling your tanks at
a Paintball Store,or just want to easily quick disconnect your hose from the tank when traveling or storing your tank,
this is the way to go. This option is great if you
run out of air while traveling, you can just go to a local paintball
store for your fill. T
Option #3 Full Armor Package.
Option #4 Regulated DIN300 Hose Assembly. If
you would like to tether your PCP Air Gun and shoot your rifle
basically forever, without refilling it, this is the set-up!
Tether your airgun to either your Guppy, Tiger Shark, or Great
White (or any DIN300 tank) with this highest quality hose set-up.
ALL STAINLESS STEEL FITTINGS AND GAUGES (Glycerin Filled!). Includes 80" hose with Stainles Steel Foster Quick Disconnect.
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Tank Fill Adapters
Note: For Filling tanks at a Fire Depatment instead of SCUBA/Paint Shop
STAINLESS STEEL Fire House/SCBA Adapter to STAINLESS STEEL Hand-Tight Male DIN300. No Wrench Needed!
ALL STAINLESS STEEL, not brass that will dent and ruin if dropped.
Good for filling our tanks at a fire house. $89
STAINLESS STEEL Fire House Adapter to STAINLESS STEEL Foster brand Female Quick Disconnect . No Wrench Needed
Good for filling my Carbon Fiber DIN300 tanks or Paintball Tanks at a fire house
House Adapter to Wrench-tight DIN300 (aka STAINLESS STEEL Male SCBA
Fitting to Wrench-Tight Male DIN300) . Good for two uses. 1) For
filling my (and other) DIN300 Carbon Fiber and DIN300 SCUBA tanks at a
fire house. $64 MADE IN USA!